
Peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals

[44] Auguin, E., Guinet, C., Mourier, J., Clua, E., Gasco, N., & Tixier, P.  2024. Behavioural heterogeneity across killer whale social units in their response to feeding opportunities from fisheries. Ecology and Evolution, 14(5), e11448.

[43] Clavareau, L., Marzloff, M. P., Tixier, P., & Trenkel, V. M.  2024. A review of depredation modelling across terrestrial and marine realms: State of the art and future directions. Environmental Modelling & Software, 106028.

[42] Mollier, M., Mazé, C., Prioul, F., Hamer, P., Hosken, M., McKechnie, S., & Tixier, P. 2024. Shark and odontocete depredation on the catch of the tuna longline fishery in New Caledonia (South Pacific Ocean). ICES Journal of Marine Science.

[41] Biquet, J. A., Tixier, P., Richard, G., Soehnlen, M., Thellier, T., Carzon, P., ... & Guinet, C. 2024. Toothed whale and shark depredation and bycatch in the longline fishery of French Polynesia. Fisheries Research, 271, 106928.

[40] Lacetera, P., Mason, S, Tixier, P., & Arnould, J. 2023. Using ecotourism boats for estimating the abundance of a bottlenose dolphin population in south-eastern Australia. PlosOne 18 (8), e0289592

[39] Clavareau, L., Dambacher, J. M., Trenkel, V. M., Gourguet, S., Tixier, P., & Marzloff, M. P. 2023. Exploitation and depredation rates determine viability of depredation-impacted fisheries. Ecological Modelling, 483, 110444.  

[38] Foote, A., Balance, L., Bierne, N., Constantine, R., Guinet, C., Robertson, K., Sinding, M., Tixier, P., Totterdell, J., Towers, J., Pitman, R., Morin, P. 2023. ‘Type D’ killer whale genomes reveal long-term small population size and low genetic diversity. Journal of Heredity, esac070. 

[37] Amelot, M., Plard, F., Guinet, C., Arnould, J. P., Gasco, N., & Tixier, P. 2022. Increasing numbers of killer whale individuals use fisheries as feeding opportunities within subantarctic populations. Biology Letters, 18(2), 20210328.

[36] Gimonkar, Y., Lea, M. A., Burch, P., Arnould, J. P., Sporcic, M., & Tixier, P. 2022. Quantifying killer whale depredation in the blue-eye trevalla commercial fisheries of south-east Australia. Ocean and Coastal Management, 221: 106114. 

[35] Girardet, J., Sarano, F., Richard, G., Tixier, P., Guinet, C., Alexander, A., Sarano, V., Vitry, H., Preud’homme, A., Heuzey, R., Garcia-Cegarra, A.M., Adam, O., Madon, B. & Jung, J-L. 2022. Long distance runners in the marine realm: new insights into genetic diversity, kin relationships and social fidelity of Indian Ocean male sperm whales. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 815684.

[34Towers, J., Tixier, P. 2022. Indian Ocean sighting of Shepherd’s beaked whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi) helps confirm circumpolar distribution in southern hemisphere. Aquatic Mammals, 48(5): 462-467. 

[33] Tixier, P., Guinet, C., Faure, C., Danto, A., Mazé, C. 2022. Les terres australes françaises, terrain d'expérimentation de la solidarité écologique : approche intégrée pour la résolution des conflits pêcheries-mégafaune marine. VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, 37. 

[32] Tixier, P., Lea, M. A., Hindell, M. A., et al. 2021. When large marine predators feed on fisheries catches: Global patterns of the depredation conflict and directions for coexistence. Fish and Fisheries, 22(1), 31-53.

[31] Kraft, S., Pérez-Alvarez, M., Olavarría, C., Moraga, R., Baker, C. S., Steel, D., Tixier, P., ... & Poulin, E. 2021. From Settlers to Subspecies: Genetic Differentiation in Commerson’s Dolphins Between South America and the Kerguelen Islands. Frontiers in Marine Science. 

[30] Earl, T., MacLeod, E., Söffker, M., Gasco, N., Massiot-Granier, F., Tixier, P., Darby, C. 2021. Whale depredation in the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in the South Atlantic: a comparison of estimation methods, ICES Journal of Marine Science

[29] Cieslak, M., Tixier, P., Richard, G., Hindell, et al. 2021. Acoustics and photo-identification provide new insights on killer whale presence and movements when interacting with longline fisheries in South East Australia. Fisheries Research, 233, 105748.

[28] Janc, A., Guinet, C., Pinaud, D., Richard, G., Monestiez, P. & Tixier, P. 2021. Fishing behaviours and the skipper effect in decision-making processes when facing depredation by marine predators. Fisheries Management & Ecology, 00: 1– 14.

[27] Faure, J., Péron, C., Gasco, N., Massiot-Granier, F., Spitz, J., Guinet, C. & Tixier, P. 2021. Contribution of toothfish depredated on fishing lines to the energy intake of killer whales off the Crozet Islands: a multi-scale bioenergetic approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 668: 149–161.

[26] Foote, A. D., Hooper, R., Alexander, A., … Tixier, P., … Morin, P. A. 2021. Runs of homozygosity in killer whale genomes provide a global record of demographic histories. Molecular Ecology.

[25] Bestley, S., Ropert-Coudert, Y.,... Tixier, P., … & Wienecke, B. 2020. Marine ecosystem assessment for the Southern Ocean: birds and marine mammals in a changing climate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 338. 

[24] Tixier, P., Burch, P., Massiot-Granier, F., et al. 2020. Assessing the impact of toothed whale depredation on socio-ecosystems and fishery management in wide-ranging subantarctic fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries 30: 203–217 217

[23] Richard, G., Bonnel, J., Tixier, P., Arnould, J.P.Y., Janc, A. & Guinet, C. 2020. Evidence of deep-sea interactions between toothed whales and longlines. Ambio, 49 (1): 173-186

[22] Clavareau, L., Marzloff, M. P., Trenkel, V. M., Bulman, C. M., Gourguet, S., Le Gallic, B., ... & Tixier, P. 2020. Comparison of approaches for incorporating depredation on fisheries catches into Ecopath. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(7-8), 3153-3167.

[21] Tixier, P., Burch, P., Richard, G., et al. 2019. Commercial fishing patterns influence odontocete whale-longline interactions in the Southern Ocean. Scientific Reports,9: 1904

[20] Tixier, P., Giménez, J., Reisinger, R.R., et al. 2019. Importance of toothfish in the diet of generalist subantarctic killer whales: implications for fisheries interactions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 613: 197-210

[19] Busson, M., Authier, M., Barbraud, C., Tixier, P., Reisinger, R.R., Janc, A. & Guinet, C. 2019. Role of sociality in the response of killer whales to an additive mortality event. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(24): 11812-11817

[18] Foote, A.D., Martin, M., Louis, M., …, Tixier, P., Totterdell, J., Wade, P., Gilbert, T., Wolf, J., & Morin, P. 2019. Killer whale genomes reveal a complex history of recurrent admixture and vicariance. Molecular Ecology, 28(14): 3427-3444

[17] Towers, J.R., Tixier, P., Ross, K.A., Bennett, J., Arnould, J.P.Y., Pitman, R.L. & Durban, J.W. 2019. Movements and dive behaviour of a toothfish-depredating killer and sperm whale. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(1): 298-311  

[16] Tixier, P., Lea, M.-A., Hindell, M.A., Guinet, C., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G. & Arnould, J.P.Y. 2018. Killer whale (Orcinus orca) interactions with blue-eye trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) longline fisheries. PeerJ, 6: e5306

[15] Janc, A., Guinet, C., Richard, G., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G. & Tixier, P. 2018. How do fishing practices influence sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) depredation on demersal longline fisheries? Fisheries Research, 206: 14-26

[14] Labadie, G., Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Barbraud, C. & Guinet, C. 2018. Abundance and long-term site fidelity of male sperm whales off Crozet and Kerguelen Marine Mammal Science, 34(3): 595-615

[13] Tixier, P., Barbraud, C., Pardo, D., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G. & Guinet, C. 2017. Demographic consequences of fisheries interaction within a killer whale (Orcinus orca) population. Marine Biology, 164(8): 170-186

[12] Richard, G., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G., Guinet, C. & Tixier, P. 2017. Do commercial fisheries display optimal foraging? The case of longline fishers in competition with odontocetes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(6): 964-976

[11] Tixier, P., Gasco, N. & Guinet, C. 2016. Depredation of Patagonian toothfish by two sympatrically occurring killer whale ecotypes: insights on the behaviour of the rarely observed type D killer whales. Marine Mammal Science, 32(3): 983-1003

[10] Tixier, P., Authier, M., Gasco, N. & Guinet, C. 2015. Influence of artificial food provisioning from fisheries on killer whales reproductive output. Animal Conservation, 18(2): 207-208

[9] Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Duhamel, G. & Guinet, C. 2015. Comparison of two methods to assess fish losses due to depredation by killer whales and sperm whales on demersal longline. CCAMLR Science, 22: 1-14

[8] Louis, M., Gally, F., Barbraud, C., Besau, J., Tixier, P.,Simon-Bouhet, B., Le Rest, K. & Guinet, C. 2015. Social structure and abundance of coastal bottlenose dolphins in the Normano-Breton Gulf. Journal of Mammalogy, 27: 481-493

[7] Tixier, P., Vacquié-Garcia, J., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G. & Guinet, C. 2015. Mitigating killer whale depredation on demersal longline fisheries by changing fishing practices. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(5): 1610-1620   

[6] Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G. & Guinet, C. 2015. Habituation to an acoustic harassment device (AHD) by killer whales depredating demersal longlines. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(5): 1673-1681

[5] Guinet, C., Tixier, P., Gasco, N. & Duhamel, G. 2015. Long-term studies of Crozet Island killer whales are fundamental to understanding the economic and demographic consequences of their depredation behaviour on the toothfish fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(5): 1587-1597

[4] Rabearisoa, N., Bach, P., Tixier, P.& Guinet, C. 2012. Pelagic longline fishing trials to shape a mitigation device of the depredation by toothed whales. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 432-433: 55-63

[3] Guinet, C., Tixier P. 2011. Crozet Killer Whales. Journal of American Cetacean Society, 40:33-38.

[2] Pitman, R.L., Durban, J.W., Greenfelder, M., Guinet, C., Jorgensen, M., Olson, P.A., Plana, J., Tixier, P.& Towers, J. 2011. Observations of a distinctive morphotype of killer whale, type D, from subantarctic waters. Polar Biology, 34:303-306 

[1] Tixier, P., Authier, M., Viviant, M., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G. & Guinet, C. 2010. Interactions of Patagonian toothfish fisheries with killer and sperm whales: depredation levels and insights on possible mitigation solutions. CCAMLR Science, 17:179-195 

Peer reviewed papers in conference proceedings

Tixier, P., Welsford, D., Lea, M.-A., Hindell, M.A., Guinet, C., Janc, A., Richard, G., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G., Arangio, R., Villanueva, M.-C., Suberg, L., Arnould, J.P.Y. 2019. Fisheries interaction data suggest variations in the distribution of sperm whales on the Kerguelen Plateau. Dans: Welsford D, Dell J, Duhamel G (eds) The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Proceedings of the Second Symposium. Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, pp 259–270

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Delord, K., Guinet, C., Duhamel, G. 2019. Scientific observation program around Kerguelen Island, a ship-of-opportunity for bird and mammal data collection. In: Welsford D, Dell J, Duhamel G (eds) The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Proceedings of the Second Symposium. Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, pp 365–379

Book chapters

Guinet, C., Gasco, N., Tixier, P. 2023. Cétacés – In: Duhamel G. Les îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam (Océan Indien sud). Environnement marin et pêcheries. Patrimoines naturels, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris.

Tixier, P. 2022. Des solutions durables aux conflits pecheries – megafaune marine. In: Dangles, O. Fréour, C. Science de la durabilité : comprendre, co-construire, transformer : réflexion collective. IRD, Marseille, 167 p.

Tixier, P. 2016. The Gray’s beaked whale Mesoplodon grayii – In: Atlas des mammifères sauvages de France volume 1: Mammifères marins. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; IRD, Marseille, 480 p. (Patrimoines naturels; 74)

Tixier, P. 2016. The Layard’s beaked whale Mesoplodon layardii – In: Atlas des mammifères sauvages de France volume 1: Mammifères marins. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; IRD, Marseille, 480 p. (Patrimoines naturels; 74)

Kiszka, J., Tixier, P. 2016. The Commerson dolphin Cephalorhynchus commersonii – In: Atlas des mammifères sauvages de France volume 1: Mammifères marins. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; IRD, Marseille, 480 p. (Patrimoines naturels; 74)

Photo-identification catalogues

Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Towers, J. R., Guinet, C. 2021. Killer whales of the Crozet Archipelago and adjacent waters: photo-identification catalogue, population status and distribution in 2020. Centre d’Etudes Biologique de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 167p.  

Labadie, G., Tixier, P., Trudelle, L., Vacquié Garcia, J., Gasco, N., Guinet, C. 2015. Sperm whales of the Crozet and Kerguelen islands, photo-identification catalogue. Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 271 p.   

Stenger, P.-L., Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Delhomme, A., Guinet, C., Marteau, C. 2014. Photo-identification catalogue of Commerson dolphins of the Kerguelen islands. Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 62 p.   

Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Guinet, C. 2014. Killer whales of the Crozet islands, photo-identification catalogue 2014. Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 50 p.  

Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Poupart, T., Guinet, C. 2014. Type D killer whales of the Crozet Islands. Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 22 p.  

Tixier, P., Gasco, N., Guinet, C. 2013. Orques des îles Amsterdam et St Paul, catalogue de photo-identification 2013. Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 14 p.    

Latest update of the photo-identification catalogue of killer whales around the Crozet Archipelago (2020)

Dernière version du catalogue de photo-identification des orques de l'archipel de Crozet (2020)


Papers in conference proceedings

Tixier, P., Burch, P., Massiot-Granier, F., Peron, C., Ziegler, P., Wotherspoon, S., Welsford, D., Lea, M.-A., Hindell, M.A., Guinet, C., Gasco, N., Duhamel, G., Tascheri, R., Somhlaba, S., Arangio, R., Arnould, J.P.Y. 2019. Catch removals due to killer and sperm whale interactions across sub-Antarctic fisheries. CCAMLR WG-FSA-2019/33   

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Okuda, T., Péron, C., Massiot-Ganier, F. 2019. Update report on marine mammal interactions in Division 58.4.4. CCAMLR WG-SAM-2019/01  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Massiot-Granier, F., Péron, C., Sarralde, R. 2019. No boundaries for whales interacting with fishing activities targeting Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). CCAMLR WG-FSA-2019/54  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Duhamel, G., Guinet, C. 2016. Update on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) losses in the bottom longline fishery due to the depredation by killer whales and sperm whales off the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands. CCAMLR WG-FSA-16/10  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Guinet, C. 2015. New photo-identification catalogues from Crozet and Kerguelen Islands. CCAMLR WG-FSA-15/71  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Guinet, C. 2015. Technical guide to collect data related to depredation on board longline vessels. CCAMLR WG-FSA-15/72  

Soffker, M., Tixier, P. 2015. Review of cetacean depredation in CCAMLR statistical subareas. CCAMLR WG-SAM-15/27  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Duhamel, G., Guinet, C. 2014. Comparison of two methods to assess fish losses due to depredation by killer whales and sperm whales on demersal longline. CCAMLR WG-FSA-14/10  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P., Guinet, C. 2013. Guidelines to whale photo-identification from fishing boats derived from experience in Kerguelen (ASD 58.5.1) and Crozet (ASD 58.6). CCAMLR WG-FSA-13/08  

Koubbi, P., Crawford, R., Alloncle, N., …, Tixier, P., …, Weimerskirch, H. 2012. Estimating the biodiversity of Planning Domain 5 (Marion and Prince Edward Islands–Del Cano–Crozet) for ecoregionalisation. CCAMLR WG-EMM-12/33  

Gasco, N., Tixier, P. & Guinet, C. 2010. Results of trials undertaken around Crozet Island using pots to target Patagonian toothfish. CCAMLR WG-FSA-10/10 

Scientific reports

Azam, C.-S., Marteau, C., Piton, V., Borot, C., Tixier, P. 2017. Regional ecosystem profile – Polar and Sub-polar Region, EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF). BEST, European Commission, 225 p.   

Gasco N., Tixier P., Soffker M., Guinet C. 2016. Guidelines to data collection on cetaceans from fishing boats. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, 63 p.   

Gravier, D., Guinet, C., Tixier, P. 2013 First analysis of Commerson dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii kerguelensis) data of the Morbihan gulf in Kerguelen - Data from December 2012 to February 2013. Reserve Naturelle Nationale des Terres Australes Françaises & Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 24 p.